Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to enhance productivity and innovation around the world. The expected benefits promise to be transformative, but the negative repercussions could be magnified in developing countries, where the livelihoods of many people are precarious and social institutions can be fragile. AI’s influence will be widespread because it can be integrated with other technologies and applied to almost any activity that involves information and communication technologies In an effort to improve understanding of how to ethically and equitably implement AI in the development context, IDRC has published the white paper Artificial intelligence and human development.


Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Big data are the driving force for most of the trending technological innovations. To be competent and succeed in this datamation world you need to have right people to act on your data to take you to newer heights. Here we can help you in finding such professionals who can focus on the value of your data and take action to create enormous intelligence of great business value. We could help you build the right environment to support AI.

Retailers are using AI to communicate with shoppers through personalized online experiences, conversational robots
Retailers are using Al to communicate with shoppers through personalized online experiences, conversational robots.
Al-Powered retail applications not only identify gaps, forecast inventory and place orders but, also help reduce excess.

AI In Healthcare

AI-assisted robotic surgery
With an estimated value of $40 billion to healthcare, robots can analyze data from pre-op medical records and integrate the data with real-time operating metrics to improve surgical outcomes.
Virtual Nursing Assistants
From interacting with patients to directing patients to the most effective care setting, virtual nursing assistant can provide wellness checks through voice and AI and save the healthcare industry $20 billion annually.



Aid Clinical Judgment Or Diagnosis
Admittedly, using AI to diagnose patients is undoubtedly in its infancy, but there have been some exciting use cases.
Workflow And Administrative Tasks
Another way AI can impact healthcare is to automate administrative tasks like mining big data and help physicians provide a personalized and more efficient treatment experience.
Image Analysis
Currently, image analysis is very time consuming for human providers, but an MIT-led research team developed a machine-learning algorithm that can analyze 3D scans up to 1,000 times faster than what is possible today.